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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Achieve Virtual and how does it work?

We are an online high school owned and operated by a public school district, the MSD of Wayne Township, here on the west side of Indianapolis. We are the third high school in the district, and sister school to Ben Davis High School and Ben Davis University High School. Visit our district’s web page for more information about the school district (

Because we are a part of a public school district, we must follow and are graded by the same rules and standards as all other Indiana high schools. Therefore, graduation rate, ECA passing rates, attendance, and credit earning all count and are important factors in our school and district’s grade as assigned by the Indiana Department of Education.

Students can work online at any time day or night. Teachers are assigned to each subject for grading, supporting students, and giving feedback on assignments throughout the semester. The online curriculum is designed to allow students to progress through the material at their own speed depending on their proficiency level. There are not specific, required times students have to be on, they can work any time.

Are there textbooks?

We have designed our high school courses to not need textbooks. The only courses with textbook requirements are the AP courses as mandated by the AP College Board (we provide these books to students via mail delivery), and the Dual Credit courses through Vincennes (students must purchase these books on their own).

What type of computer equipment do I need?

Any relatively recent Mac or PC will work. You can even use an iPad™. High-speed internet access is preferred, because a slow Internet connection will probably be frustrating.

How do I register/enroll?

Click the “Enroll Now” button or view step by step instructions on how to register from the “Admissions” page.

How much does an Achieve Virtual course cost?

Full time enrolled students who enroll in Achieve only and are scheduled into 5 or more classes each semester will be considered full time students. Full time students do not have any tuition cost (it’s free). Students who are looking to take one or two classes or are enrolled in another school and want to take extra classes through Achieve will be charged $250 per semester class and $325 for Dual Credit classes. All current MSD of Wayne Township students can take Achieve Virtual courses for free (this included, Ben Davis students, Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center students, and Ben Davis University students).

Who pays the course fees for my Achieve Virtual class?

Payment arrangements differ depending on your situation:

Students enrolled in a Wayne Township school do not pay fees for Achieve Virtual School courses.

Private payment is accepted. That could be you, your family or your guardian. We currently only accept checks and money orders. Payment must be received before we will place students in classes if they are paying for the course themselves.

Your school district may pay for your Achieve Virtual class, depending on the circumstances. The Achieve Virtual staff will check to see if this is an option for you.

Why is it important to choose my online courses from an Indiana public school district?

We think it’s a real advantage. Our courses are designed by Indiana teachers to meet the Indiana Department of Education’s academic standards. Most Achieve Virtual teachers teach in an Indiana public school every day; working with students is their primary job. We are not a for-profit business. Our goal is helping Indiana students succeed!

What if I don’t have a computer at home?

If you don’t have a computer available in your home, you may be able to use one in a public library (check out your library’s computer use guidelines), a community center or other place where computers are available for public use. If you are near Ben Davis High School (1200 N. Girls School Road in Indianapolis), their computer lab learning center is available Monday through Thursday from 3:45 p.m. to 9 p.m during the school year. Contact our office about availability. In most cases, if you don’t have access to a computer, you may struggle to work in a online school.

When can I work on my online class?

You can work whenever works for you. You can work on your classes during the day, evening — or the middle of the night. Weekdays or weekends. It’s up to you and what fits your schedule. Please also know that we do keep attendance for State reporting and we do expect students to login (attend) 5 days a week. It doesn’t matter what 5 days of the week, but we are monitoring to ensure students are attending as they would in a traditional school.

When can I begin a course?

Your course begins when the teacher contacts you with login information. If the spring or fall semester has already started, it is still possible to begin a class. Before we place students in classes, the student’s school counselor must approve the course. Once approved, students will be placed and receive an automated message notifying them that they have been placed in the course(s). At that time, students should expect a contact from the teacher to help them get started within a day or two.

How many classes can I take at one time?

Some students take just one class; others opt for more, depending on their circumstances. We recommend taking no more than six or seven classes at one time, because that is a typical high school course load. We consider anyone taking five or more courses to be a full-time student as long as they are not enrolled into another school.

Is there a time limit for completing courses?

Achieve Virtual follows a traditional school calendar, with a fall and spring semester and a summer session. We recommend you complete a course within 12 to 18 weeks. It is possible to start a course slightly later, finish early or extend beyond the end of semester if necessary, but that is dependent on how well you’re progressing through the semseter. The flexibility to start and finish courses on your timetable is one of the advantages of online learning.

What if I can’t take my final during the designated times?

Arrangements can be made for other days and times. Work with your individual teacher(s) on options.

Can I take my final early if I’ve completed my work?

Yes. Talk to your teacher about making arrangements for a date, time and monitored location.

What if I can’t take my final at Ben Davis High School?

Arrangements can be made for you to take your final exam at a monitored location that is convenient for you. Please communicate with your teacher regarding options.

What if I don’t have an email account?

If you don’t already have your own email address, you can easily enroll in one of the free email services such as gmail, yahoo, or hotmail.

Should I talk to the counselor at my home high school before I enroll in Achieve Virtual?

If you are a full-time or part-time student enrolled in high school, you will want to talk to your counselor about the courses you plan to take in Achieve Virtual Education Academy and how they fit with your plan to graduate. When you enroll in Achieve Virtual, we will contact your counselor about making sure your online credits get on your transcript.

Can students enroll from outside Indiana?

If you are an Indiana resident temporarily out of state, Achieve Virtual may be a good solution for you, but we do not currently enroll students who are not Indiana residents.

How many credits can I earn a semester?

Full time students are enrolled into 6 or 7 classes just like a traditional high school student would be in our other district schools. As a result, students should earn their full 6 or 7 classes each semester.

Can I earn more than the 6 or 7 credits?

We don’t stop the flexibility that our online offerings provide students by telling them they can’t earn more than the 6 or 7 credits each semester. However, we will not place students in new classes until all of their initial courses are completed and passed, and only if there is reasonable time left in the semester to complete additional courses. We operate in semesters, so each semester, all enrolled courses need to be completed.